Software > The Getting Organized Experiment of 2006
Ok we are going to start off very very gently and then build to a gallop over the next week.
Let me start by recapping what I think will be the basic idea behind our 3 month Getting Organized Experiment (GEO), which we have also been calling GTD (for the famous Getting Things Done method):
We will start out with some GTD basics and stuff common to most approaches, and then after a while, when everyone has put into practice the key ideas for a week or so, begin to discuss other ideas, like GED, and encourage people to share their experiences of what works and doesnt.
In other words, everyone who is participating is commiting to improve their efficiency and working process in a dramatic and permanent way. We are doing this because we all want to learn to better manage the stuff we want to accomplish, and feel less stressed doing it.
This 3 month experiment is designed to help us find what works best for us and share those experiences. The same thing that works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. But by the end of these 3 months, you *will* have a system in place, and a new attitude about accomplishing your tasks.
You may find that GTD is perfect for you, and never veer off; you may find that you have to invent your own system.
The important thing is that by the end of the 3rd month, you will have a new system that works for you. There is no room for excuses about "this system is a gimick it didn't work for me!" - because if it doesnt work it's YOUR responsibility to invent a system that does.
By sharing our ideas and experiences, perhaps we can come up with some new principles and rules for our own new DC-style efficiency system.
--- End quote ---
Your first "assignment" or task will be to create a dedicated work area for yourself, and gather some materials you will be using to get started.
1. You really should have some dedicated area with some desk space or counter space where you can concentrate and spend some time specifically on going through your todo lists, notes, etc. You are going to want to get into the habit of going to this place and focusing on your tasks, so try to find a quiet place with a clear area that won't distract you. Now would be a good time to clean off your desk or go shopping for a little computer desk to put in the corner.
2. Secondly, almost all of the systems we will be looking at deal with keeping lists of some sort (todo lists, idea lists, task lists, etc.)
Depending on how you work best, go to an office supply shop and buy yourself some basic stuff:
* post-it notes
* file folders
* a notebook or two
* some blank paper
* index cards (my personal favorite)
* stapler
* paper clips/binders
* calendar
* in/out box
* an automatic labeler (GTD author highly recommends this but its not cheap)
I think such physical things are going to be useful even if you decide to do most of your filing on the computer..
Ok, now stop procrastinating and get started with your first assignment!
Your deadline for completion is: Sunday Afternoon.
[note: i am not going to be the 'coach' for this whole GTD/GOE project, i'm just trying to kick things off before the more knowledgeable people take over]
I think I'll go procastinate. 8)
no excuses and no negativism here >:( we are going to take this experiment seriously!
Oh, that was easy...
Assignment done b4 you gave it...maybe I am more organized than I think. :huh:
good, we've started. thank you mouser.
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