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N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg

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I've downloaded RaptureReplica.7z but MalwareBytes Premium has detected it as Malware (MachineLearning/Anomalous 100%). I assume this is a false positive. Has anyone else got this problem?

Malwarebytes have updated their definitions and the app is no longer flagged as malware.

Could you crop a circle-like region or does it have to be a rectangular one?

It would be great if you could add text to it like comments, underlined important parts of the text etc. so you can send it to someone and you wont have to send comments in the mail separately for example ...

I have a 3 monitor setup (2 landscape 1920x1080, 1 portrait. 1080x1920) and get issues with the screenshot containing information from different screens.
If I capture a small area my screenshot will show a lot more than what I snipped.
I see from this thread multi monitor has been a problem.
Is there anything I need to do to get it working properly?

@KodeZwerg, a great little app. Thanks! [This is posted in the right forum page this time!]

On Windows 10 Pro, I use an external monitor as my main monitor, with display 2 (external monitor) and laptop monitor (display 1) linked so as to extend N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg. Thus I can move stuff from one monitor to the other by drag-and drop.

When I use RaptureReplica on either monitor, the area grabbed does not stop when I release the left mouse button. The grabbed area extends itself to cover that vertical portion grabbed, but horizontally across both screens.

Grabbing a small portion of the laptop monitor ( is what I grabbed) gives rise to a much wider grab (N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg). (The external monitor part of the actual grab is part of the DC page, which I had open on the external monitor at the time.)

I hope I have explained this okay?

Could you find a way to limit the grab to whichever are of the one screen on which I use the mouse for that purpose?


@orbis what you described is the same behaviour I have seen. I understand your words and I'm not sure how to describe it either. Basically I capture a small area but the screenshot extends to include the monitor on right and screenshot itself is longer in length than the area selected.


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