Software > N.A.N.Y. 2021
N.A.N.Y. 2021: RaptureReplica by KodeZwerg
If anyone reads this, and they aren't able to download the RaptureReplica zip file with Chrome (like I wasn't), I recommend just using FireFox (which I did).
-kunkel321 (November 06, 2022, 02:19 PM)
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I do not know whats the difference between chrome and firefox, are they saying it is virus?
(I use opera webbrowser and never had problems but ofc nobody needs opera to just download my file... i really do not know how to fix that)
The .exe inside is not compressed/modified, it is like compiler gave it and ofc no malware or virus is attached from me.
I am so glad that it finally works for multi monitor, even different scaled :Thmbsup:
What else needs a fix, i visit now more often back to read an update if needed anything else :-* (I guess multi monitor was the biggest bug, so happy that its gone, you cant imagine 8) )
And again, sorry that it needed that long for me :-[
-KodeZwerg (November 06, 2022, 02:33 PM)
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It's all good. The scaling issue was minor and easy to work around. I'm not aware of anything else that needs to be fixed. If you are looking for feature requests... I can come up with a few. :P
If anyone reads this, and they aren't able to download the RaptureReplica zip file with Chrome (like I wasn't), I recommend just using FireFox (which I did).
-kunkel321 (November 06, 2022, 02:19 PM)
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I do not know whats the difference between chrome and firefox, are they saying it is virus?
(I use opera webbrowser and never had problems but ofc nobody needs opera to just download my file... i really do not know how to fix that)
The .exe inside is not compressed/modified, it is like compiler gave it and ofc no malware or virus is attached from me.
-KodeZwerg (November 06, 2022, 02:38 PM)
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It's the Norton add-in that is causing trouble. It blocks every singe donationcoder page. I'm usually able to click the "proceed anyway" button. I don't even remember installing the add-in.
It's the Norton add-in that is causing trouble. It blocks every singe donationcoder page. I'm usually able to click the "proceed anyway" button. I don't even remember installing the add-in.
-kunkel321 (November 07, 2022, 11:24 AM)
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:o Ohhh, I did not know that Norton block this domain, I use something from Russia :-[
If you are looking for feature requests... I can come up with a few. :P
-kunkel321 (November 07, 2022, 11:24 AM)
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When its doable, I can try :Thmbsup:
My own idea would be maybe something like multiple shots support, that you can have more than one on a screen and rightclick to terminate one shot...
Firstly I'd like to thanks KodeZwerg for this wonderful program. But I have a strange glitch- There are some strange lines that left on an image screen after I too a shot. Like this:
[ Invalid Attachment ]
And If the author is going to improve this program, it would be cool if in addition to the invert color option, he will make an possibility to flip the image in a vertical and horizontal projection.
-idenikus (March 24, 2021, 04:17 PM)
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Do you still having that lines drama with my latest build?
When I am bored and have a free time I could think about your whish but:
What does flip mean, mirror the image or rotate it? Both I never have done before but I guess it is possible :up:
Could you crop a circle-like region or does it have to be a rectangular one?
It would be great if you could add text to it like comments, underlined important parts of the text etc. so you can send it to someone and you wont have to send comments in the mail separately for example ...
-panzer (January 12, 2021, 03:09 AM)
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Grabbing as circle is not really planned but Idea with adding Text can be realized nut would need longer time to do.
A quick thing could be by adding a sizable free editable text fied (basic stuff, white background, black text)
A more time consuming but doable thing would be to add an "Add Line" feature that writes direct (transparent) on the image, and you could add as much as you want .... (font must be setup via basic font dialog)
Need for both a little thinking about how to integrate that at all since my app has no UI :-\
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