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Saving Settings 'Screenshot Captor'
Dear emloyee,
It is possible to SAVE 'Screenshot Captor' settings, please?
They should automatically be saved. Can you describe the problem?
Also let us know which version of the software (version number, whether portable or installable) and the location of the software (where installed/unpacked).
PS, no employees here :-)
Helllo, thank you for responding, it sometimes happens that Sreenshot Captor does not start automatically anymore, then I've to reinstall the settings again, a program Settings backup would be nice for me!
The cause can be my Computer Organizer? I'll check this out too.
Version number of my beautifull program 'Screenshot Captor' is: v4.36.2
I'm working on a desktop computer.
Jaap Mooijer
Saving Settings 'Screenshot Captor'
Helllo, thank you for responding, it sometimes happens that Sreenshot Captor does not start automatically anymore, then I've to reinstall the settings again
-james48 (August 18, 2020, 07:44 AM)
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neither of these should happen.
I wanted to rule out the possibility that you unzipped the portable version to the default Programs folder (where SC doesnt have write permissions), but that's not the case. So we'll have to wait see what mouser says....
Dear emloyee,
It is possible to SAVE 'Screenshot Captor' settings, please?
-james48 (August 18, 2020, 03:16 AM)
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to answer your original question -- see screenshot of Options window below -- click on 'File' and select backup settings.
Saving Settings 'Screenshot Captor'
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