ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > N.A.N.Y. 2021

Welcome to NANY 2021

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Stopped being shipped?  What is that a reference to?
-wraith808 (January 04, 2021, 10:12 AM)
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The vendor increasingly failed to ship the mugs to me (must be a problem with Germany) every year until NANY 2020 when I did not receive any shipment at all.

So, well, as I said: I don’t do it for the mugs. I won’t get any anyway.  ;D
-Tuxman (January 04, 2021, 10:27 AM)
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If the mug/vendor isn't working you can also get credit for the amount.  I've done that a few years, as I'm running out space for mugs.

Oh my...

I actually like the mugs, I killed one accidentally. But it’s alright. I would write tools even without anyone taking notice!

I would write tools even without anyone taking notice!-Tuxman (January 04, 2021, 02:39 PM)
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That's the purest spirit! 1000% congrats for it!! :) In my view, you can help the world improve/thrive while having a form of abundance coming along with it.

Acting on your passion can be something that supports you!

And I'm not only talking about the idea of money! You can get abundance in the form a trade. a gift. something positive happening in synchronicity thanks to you helping others (that wouldn't have happened otherwise), and expanding your creativity/imagination to make you more productive in other areas of your life.

Super-valuable: Interacting with a new friend or friends who fill(s) your soul is a form abundance to me as well :Thmbsup:

There are So many forms of blessings!

I love my NANY mugs.  For me, getting that mug is my great aspiration.  It gets me to actually complete a program so others can use it - otherwise, I just use a half-baked program for my own needs.

I only write program when I can't find one that suits my needs that's already made.  But those NANY mugs get me to actually finish the complete project.  Everyone here at our office uses my NANY mugs (I have 5 or 6 of them).  They like the large ones.  I got a small one for one year, but folks go for the larger ones.


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