Software > N.A.N.Y. 2021
Welcome to NANY 2021
* Stephen66515 wonders if his CodyBot (Discord Bot for the DC sevrer) counts as a NANY :huh: :huh:
* Stephen66515 wonders if his CodyBot (Discord Bot for the DC sevrer) counts as a NANY :huh: :huh:-Stephen66515 (August 27, 2020, 06:49 AM)
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If it's software that, in majority, you made, then I'd say yes :Thmbsup:
* Stephen66515 wonders if his CodyBot (Discord Bot for the DC sevrer) counts as a NANY :huh: :huh:-Stephen66515 (August 27, 2020, 06:49 AM)
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If it's software that, in majority, you made, then I'd say yes :Thmbsup:
-Ath (August 27, 2020, 11:39 AM)
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I dunno if it even counts as software - it's just javascript/NODE.JS lol
Also, the code couldn't be released (cause It's BAD) and people can only "invite" the bot to their servers (though there would be no real point cause it's DC-specific stuff.
I dunno if it even counts as software - it's just javascript/NODE.JS lol
-Stephen66515 (August 28, 2020, 06:06 PM)
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Well, independent of what anyone's opinion is of js code, it's still code, so it should be counted in.
The quality also isn't a measure of qualification ;D, it's about the effort and willingness to participate in NANY 8)
AFAIK it doesn't even have to be code -- I got a nany cup in 2011 for (with others implementing) a website idea (that unfortunately didn't last long -
Although it did get implemented so there was html -- just I didn't actually write any of it. I was the ideas man and the design.
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