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Nany 2021: FileShell by KodeZwerg

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*PREVIEW/First look*
Good Day everyone.
During my little spare time i've started to create another "File Explorer"-like tool and named it FileShell.
When this project is finished it is a "two-window" explorer clone.
For now it is just a one-window test environment to see what i'm doing.

Have fun watching how this project will grow :-)
Nany 2021: FileShell by KodeZwerg

Why i've done:
i love to try out new things, this time PIDL was my target and how to deal with PIDLs.
the complete project is handmade by me, no internal/external/thirdparty (delphi) components where used.

Future plans:
first of all - activate second window  :P
drag and drop capabilities (internal and external)
build in whatsever needed, please suggest all you ever dreamt of  :-*

Whats needed:
feedback about how you like the first impression, if i should continue project at all or if its useless.
comments about how you like my explorer implemention, especially how you like folder contents and/or my hints on items.
bug reports are very welcomed!

Known bugs:
you can not use properties when you right-click a drive. (for that case i've done a quick button to do such)

Good to see someone getting an early start!
However: Note that the new NANY will be NANY 2021 -- I'll create the section soon :)

You know me, i'm always confused when creating new/own topics, thank you for help wherever needed!!!

Yesterday I was thinking about reorganizing.
The most basic system of organizing in windows may be the folders.
So a explorer with powerful capabilities is welcome.

There is a lot of alternatives I know. So the target I recommend is something special and unique.
I don't know a more strange user than myself, so I will try to find a target unique.

When reorganizing I use two specific tools . One you know to create shortcuts....

The other one is linkfolder. A programmed specific tool to link folders to my CRM Goldmine.

Another tool I use intensively is a folder automation tool. A simple listas.exe in C language to create a tree of folders according to patterns.

It will continue !!!!
 :-* :P

Yesterday I was thinking about reorganizing.
The most basic system of organizing in windows may be the folders.
-Contro (September 05, 2020, 05:29 AM)
--- End quote ---
I would say yes & no  :'(

Folders are meant to seperate products.
Organizing them for that Windows offers Libraries.
There you end up using "virtual folder names or descriptions" to quick jump/open/run/edit/whatever there.


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