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DC website is "Not Secure" when viewing threads?

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I've noticed lately that Brave (Chrome) is telling me the site is "Not Secure" when I'm viewing any posts/threads on the site.

It seems that maybe some content is being loaded without HTTPS on thread pages?

EDIT: I'm mentioning this more in response to mouser's recent-ish attempts to force HTTPS site-wide than an actual concern about the "security" of my connection/data on the site.

Some of the smiley buttons of the Quick Reply editor have http url's, while most of the other resources are on https url's. The current browser generations have deemed all http links to be "Not Secure", FWIW.

I'm not really concerned about the site being actually insecure and leaking important details. I just figured I should bring this up so mouser can fix it. Thanks for pinpointing the problem. Should make it really easy for mouser to fix.

* Deozaan cracks the whip at mouser. ;D

Some of the smiley buttons of the Quick Reply editor have http url's, while most of the other resources are on https url's. The current browser generations have deemed all http links to be "Not Secure", FWIW.
-Ath (July 03, 2020, 01:37 PM)
--- End quote ---

Not only that, some are becoming even more strict regarding HTTPS traffic (images/scripts) that did not originate from the same domain.

The smileys and emojis should all be https.. However the images in people's signatures or links to external websites may be http..


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