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Radial Menu v4

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What is the meaning of : "Drag down and hold" . -Contro (August 26, 2020, 01:46 PM)
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launch application, right click notify icon, select "radial menu designer"
the new window that opened, there you have those balls.
left click one yellow ball and hold left mouse button, move mouse to a gray ball while still hold left mouse button
when you reached your destination, lift your finger from left mouse button.

now you have dragged and dropped a ball.

does that answer your question?
-KodeZwerg (August 27, 2020, 05:01 AM)
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Sure. I will try. Seems to me perfect religion.

 ;D :-*

it's a little tricky .
Requires a certain skill to call the program.
Right click mouse and then down a little open the main window (at least in my system) . Then move the mouse pointer with the right click pressed toward a submenu circle. Then open that submenu with a left click. Maintaining the right click pressed all the time.

The screenshots
Radial Menu v4
Radial Menu v4

What is the meaning of : "Drag down and hold" . -Contro (August 26, 2020, 01:46 PM)
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launch application, right click notify icon, select "radial menu designer"
the new window that opened, there you have those balls.
left click one yellow ball and hold left mouse button, move mouse to a gray ball while still hold left mouse button
when you reached your destination, lift your finger from left mouse button.

now you have dragged and dropped a ball.

does that answer your question?
-KodeZwerg (August 27, 2020, 05:01 AM)
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I try in this way at the beginning, but it's not the way from the designer.
What I did interpreting your answer was drag a circle from the designer to the desktop. The items dissappear . simply dissapear from the design menu. So I was doing bad and then try the above option with good results.

Radial Menu v4Radial Menu v4

I am getting help from the programmer too

Autohotkey environment is a good beginning anyway. I will stay and try the learning curve....
 :-* :P

The problem with the learning curve is the time we have. But the point is that i am using radial menu just because now I can turn off the monitor in my laptop and before I can't.
obviously is my problem turn off the monitor without any program, but my life is what is...

 :-* :P

I will try the learning curve in the future. At the moment I can configure to open any folder, or any menu. That covers almost all my needs.
The program also has gestures and automation. I tried some of these features in the past with other programs.

By the way for a long time I am happy with windows 10.



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