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Simple version of a folder lock utility that would require a password for access
This would need to work on Windows 10 x64 and doesn't need to provide encryption. This is a case where I need a simple way to put 12 to 15 documents in a folder and lock it such that it would ask for a password to access the files.
In searching, I have located a number of these ranging from "Folder Locker" to a few that appear to not even be around anymore. Some have many additional features included but in this case, that would be worse rather than better. As long as I can Trust the Lock
Now the conditions: I need it to be something where I could lock the folders on my system and post them for download on a website by a group of people. The group would be downloading several normal folders of files as well but a few of them would be marked as needing a password and only a few of the group would know that password.
Some of the "Folder Lock" software I have found appears to be limited to locking folders only on my system which would not help. Nor do I want to hide the folder names, they need to be visible to all but just locked t those without the password. I need the group to be able to download all the folders but certain folders need to be locked with a password. But not necessarily encrypted as I have had problems in the past with encrypted files not working properly if they are not still located on the system where they were originally encrypted.
This also has to be easy to use because the people who access them are not tech geniuses. A simple "enter the password" and once they enter the correct one, it should unlock and allow that user to open all the documents inside without further ado. As easy as possible. Like an electronic version of a safety deposit box. The folder would contain a mixed bag of document types, some pdf, some Word, etc. And no none wants to lock the files one at a time.
The last condition is that it needs to be a program I can run on my system to Lock the folder and the recipient should have no problem opening it on theirs once they download it preferably without needing to install anything at their end.
Some versions of 7-Zip might work if it can be made to create self-extracting archives that only require the correct password to be entered to access the contents. I figure some form of a self-extracting archive is going to be my best bet but there might be other software out there that would work better.
I would appreciate any information from those who had maybe had the same need at one point and found a working solution. Thanks
In closing, I hope that all the members of Donation Coders Forum and their Families and friends are doing Ok and staying well during these trying times.
Stoic Joker:
Now the conditions: I need it to be something where I could lock the folders on my system and post them for download on a website by a group of people. The group would be downloading several normal folders of files as well but a few of them would be marked as needing a password and only a few of the group would know that password.-questorfla (April 10, 2020, 12:28 AM)
--- End quote ---
Why not just put them in a passworded zip? That would make their downloading of the folders easier as well.
Thanks, Stoic and that is sort of what I am looking for as I said. A self-extracting zip.
I was asking for advice on which one worked the best as I have found several. The biggest problem (of course) is the people I have to do this for. They want something they can't have in the manner they want it to work. I am currently trying to convince them that an SFX is the closest I can come to Easy to use, requires NO technical knowledge, just click, enter the password and it does all the work. End of the problem for the recipient
My app Fast Protect may work for you. I don't really have an active page for it but here is an old one. The links are all dead, sorry but if you are interested let me know and I'll give you a DL link.
That link is protected
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