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Mini input boxes for forum posting

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 I'm a little hesitant to pass this problem straight to mouser, I've put a couple of things on his plate lately :-[ , so maybe a moderator or someone fairly familiar with the forum software might possibly look into this problem if it comes to their attention.

 One of my pet peeves is mini-sized input boxes that have you scrolling all over the place to proofread and modify messages or forum posts. I know that there is a little handle below  the DonationCoder input area like the one I am currently using, and it used to allow me to lengthen this input area to my liking (Almost full screen height is my preferred operational configuration.), and since I haven't posted for quite a while I don't know when this stopped working on my end, but currently it is stuck on the smallest setting and does not allow any increase in size. This is both for the Quick Reply and the Normal Posting edit boxes.

 I used to browse using Firefox when I last posted many moons ago and all was well then but just lately I've been using Edge and the problem has struck.

 My Operating System is Windows 10 Pro, 32bit, though it is a version that is stuck at the 1709 release, so that is likely the culprit. Sadly, it will not update and I should do a reinstall but I just dont' have the time at the moment to do so. Actaully I really need a new computer but finances do not permit (A 9 year old machine.).

 If it is version related, then this is the first item, apart from actually not updateing that has gone wrong since that verson was superseeded 14 months or so ago. It says good things indeed about the stability of Windows 10.

 Any input on this matter would be appreciated.

Thanks all, MikleB

If it is version related, then this is the first item, apart from actually not updateing that has gone wrong since that verson was superseeded 14 months or so ago. It says good things indeed about the stability of Windows 10.
-MikleB (March 30, 2020, 12:26 PM)
--- End quote ---

It's still working for me using Brave.  I'll check using Edge in a bit.

Using Edge Version 80.0.361.69 (Official build) (64-bit) it still works.  Are you using Edge based on Chromium or the old version of Edge?

G'day wraith808,

I'm not exactly sure about the version of Edge I'm using except the it is labelled/branded:

Microsoft Edge 41.16299.1004.0
MicrosoftHTML 16.16299
© Microsoft 2017

I came straight to Windows 10 from Windows XP, so I think I'm using a Chromium based Edge as the old version one was released for one of Microsoft's operating systems that was issued between XP and 10 but was already replaced when I first updated, if I am not mistaken.

Thanks for looking into this. It is not a big deal (Yes it is but I shouldn't grumble, I've been lucky anyway as my system hasn't had anything but Windows Defender updates but no upgrades for over a year.), I'll just live with it till I can get a new 64bit computer, hopefully later this year.



MicrosoftHTML 16.16299
-MikleB (March 31, 2020, 04:01 AM)
--- End quote ---
so I think I'm using a Chromium based Edge
-MikleB (March 31, 2020, 04:01 AM)
--- End quote --- says: "16.16299 This is the stable channel release of EdgeHTML 16 part of the 2017 Fall Creators Update."

So that's definitely not a Chrome based Edge browser...


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