@mouser:With the entire world is quarantined indoors, and it feeling very scary outside, at least we have our virtual homes and families! 
Well, I dunno about that. It's pretty scary in
MY home. My wife just shouted at me, apropos of nothing in particular: "What the heck are you sitting playing ruddy
Fallout 4 for!? You've been playing it for
4 straight hours now! Why don't you get off your fat ugly backside and do something useful instead of wasting your time!" (To a chorus of
"Yeah, Dad!" from my two kids. They just want me to get off the laptop so as they can use it. I've been hogging it all morning.)
So I went out for a walk in the deserted streets, crossing the road if I saw a human or a dog or a bat approaching.
It's a lovely day. Early autumn. Deciduous trees starting to come into their glorious reddish-brown shades on the tree-lined avenue where I live, just next door to the local abattoir - which is thankfully silent now.