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Share your tips and comforts for dealing with the stress and fear of a pandemic
I know a lot of people are nervous and uncertain.. Fear of losing jobs, health, investments.
Let's have a happy thread where we can share reassuring tips, projects, and mental strategies to stay sane and calm in this crazy time.
No rumors or panic in this thread, just strategies for staying sane and coping with the stress.
As someone who is prone to overthink things and dwell on things I *should* have done but didn't, and prone to spend large amounts of time running unproductive things over in my mind, I think the best thing for me is to focus on the things I can control and improve in my life that will create some positive feelings and take my mind off of unproductive worrying.
So I've been exercising and eating less snacks, and trying to focus on coding.
Might be time to pick a random new coding project to keep my mind busy -- or if others have any project ideas let's hear them!
What about you guys, what are your coping strategies?
ps. The other thing that keeps me grounded and calmer is knowing there are people online to talk with and share anxieties -- that's you folks!
If anyone is looking for a game they can play with a buddy remotely, over text or voice chat, I'd like to suggest my play-by-paper version of the awesome game Codenames Duet:
Share your tips and comforts for dealing with the stress and fear of a pandemic
Another *GREAT* activity would be do some things that bring you some sense of security and piece of mind, like backing up your computer.
like backing up your computer
-mouser (March 19, 2020, 02:38 AM)
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I tried that... couldn't get it into reverse :-[
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