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Need help: CHS database is broken.

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Next would be, look in the Backups directory, see when your most recent backup is from, and confirm its recent.
Then, assuming so, you could delete the files in your Database directory (after you have backed it up just in case!)
Note that the Files/ subdirectory is image files captured, so you probably don't want to delete that.

(and some of the files in the Database directory are themselves alternate backup files, but let's ignore that for now).

After you delete the files in that Database directory (ClipTable.* and GroupTable.*) try restarting CHS and letting it start with a blank database.
Then go to the options and the maintenance tab and try to restore a recent backup in your Backups directory.

Meanwhile I will test the latest version here on my old database to see if I broke the upgrade process recently.

thx, everything is fine now. :up:

Easy fix, I guess that's because IDK much about CHS...

BTW, if you have plan on adding localization to CHS, I can do some help.

I just wish I knew what happened that caused the corruption in the first place.. I tried using the new version with my old database and it didn't have any trouble, so it's a bit of a mystery why the problem happened in your case.

I replaced 2.46 with 2.49, then I launch 2.49 wothout errors.
After about several hours, I received the error message. I didn't close or restart CHS in the meanwhile.

And I didn't change any settings or move/delete any clips. the only thing I can remember is that I checked "Main Window - tools - launch clipboard multi-format blob...."

OK, maybe this can help...(I just figure it out :huh:)

Go to "Main Window - tools - launch clipboard multi-format blob...."
Under "Clipboard" -- click any entry -- then switch to "Database"
You will get the error in pic blow.

I am having a hard time reproducing the error but I feel you must be on to something... I hope you will keep hunting and see if there is some other additional piece to the puzzle!


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