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Other Software > Developer's Corner

SkyIDE - Latest Release Information

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Thanks Kyrathaba!

Pre-Beta 13 - Test Release 02 available

Added support for Microsoft Visual C# - finally!
Added a brand new class browser -- class browser now shows all your class members
Added Ability to run your own batchfile when compiling instead of letting SkyIDE compile your files.
Added Ability to add multiple #include directories

Improved: The multi file search and replace layout has been re-arranged
Improved: Variable and function Detection system has been thoroughly re-written (again)
Improved: There is no longer a delay when switching between tabs.
Improved: There is no longer a delay when clicking on object viewer's variables, functions, loops etc
Improved: The menubar has been modified so it fits all user's screen resolutions (hopefully)
Improved: There is no longer a delay when extracting integers, chars, functions...
Improved: Delay is also gone when bookmarking variables...
Improved: General GUI improvements...

Bugfix: No more two "Tools" menus :)
Bugfix: Show/Hide Source/Header file entries now are only visible when a C++ file is active
Bugfix: Errors when creating Java project files got fixed.
Bugfix: With large files, sometimes SkyIDE would temporarily freeze. This is fixed.
Bugfix: Multi file search and replace bug fixed with selecting a line in file...
Bugfix: Now you can add multiple directories when compiling

Some notes:

Preview Batchfile does not work -- easy fix.......I left it for the end
Make sure you select the right compiler type when using a custom compiler command otherwise it won't work.
Make sure you always terminate your class declaration with a ";" otherwise the class browser stuffs up because of errors in code BUT this is good :) Why? Because when you see a mess, you will know there is an error in code! You will be able to detect unintentional syntax errors :)

Hello Everyone

I've uploaded Beta 13. Also let me officialize something. In Beta 14 I intend to add support for Visual C++ and VB.NET and bring back Bakefile support. Bakefile support was removed as a result of the new project format and style. I never finished the Bakefile support after I fixed the project explorer. I feel a bit bad for delaying VB.NET. It has been requested by one user for quite some time. I haven't ignored anything. I just had to do a lot of other stuff.

Something off topic, I am really keen on writing a small security program that monitors your start-up sections which also monitors your hosts file. I know there are a few of them that do it but they eat up a bit of memory....while slowing down your system because they do a lot more. The one that I will write (if) will do just one thing. Monitor you start-up programs and nothing else and according to the plans I have - It will not slow down your computer at all. If I decide to go ahead with this, I will have a separate section on the SkyIDE web site but for now I am focused on SkyIDE itself. I really want to add the ability for plugins -- no promises on this one :)

Release Notes: SkyIDE Beta 13 - Saturday, 19 May 2007

Added: Support for the Microsoft Visual C# - finally! Tested with .NET 2.0

Added a brand new class browser -- The class browser now shows all your class members

[With this one, if you don't terminate your classes properly, the class browser messes up. Once you see that you will know there is an error in your code so make sure you type ";" at the end of your class. Structs are currently ignored.]

Added: Ability to run your own batch file when compiling instead of letting SkyIDE compile your files.

Added: Ability to add multiple #include directories
Added: Ability to set separate font charset for each document type supported.
Added: Unicode support for the "Modified Compiler Output" pane
Added: Some changes in the Options dialog related to AutoComplete

Improved: The multi file search and replace layout has been re-arranged
Improved: Variable and function Detection system has been thoroughly re-written (again)
Improved: There is no longer a delay when switching between tabs.
Improved: There is no longer a delay when clicking on the Object Inspector
Improved: The menu bar has been modified so it fits all users' screen resolutions (hopefully)
Improved: There is no longer a delay when extracting integers, chars, functions...
Improved: Delay is also gone when bookmarking variables...
Improved: General GUI improvements...

Bugfix: No more two "Tools" menus
Bugfix: Show/Hide Source/Header file entries now are only visible when a C++ file is active
Bugfix: Errors when creating Java project files got fixed.
Bugfix: With large files, sometimes SkyIDE would temporarily freeze. This is fixed.
Bugfix: Multi file search and replace bug fixed with selecting a line in file...
Bugfix: Now you can add multiple directories when compiling

Other: SkyIDE now remembers the Tab Index of the Page Bar
Other: Default Tab Stop is now 4
Other: Default document is a C++ document. (I will add an option to change this)

I have updated the release to Update 2. I forgot to include a few files and of course it didn't work properly.

Here is how Beta 13 looks out of the box.

and this is what will appear shortly on BetaNews


Words can't explain how bad some of the errors I found were due to some new code I entered in the previous release. All fixed. I am so sorry.

SkyIDE Beta 13 (Update 4) Released

Added: Support for VB.NET (non projects only "for now") - Beta 14 will support projects
Fixed: Application-wide "Access Violation Errors" sometimes when compiling
Fixed: C# project consistency errors due to *forgetting* to uncomment some code
Fixed: Some spelling mistakes...

I have improved the "Compiler Profiles" dialog. I believe this is mcuh better and easier to understand. The small graphical glicthes will be taken care off.

Here is what else has been done:

Added: Finalised support for VB.NET
Added: Now you can include folders to the "include" path of Free Pascal
Added: "Show Main File" on the project popup menu
Added: Open Project Folder on the project popup menu
Added: "Set as Main File" to project file explorer pop up menu
Added: /target:<> setting in Change Project Options for .NET languages

Imporved: Much better Compiler Profiles dialog.
Improved: Text readability in "Compiler Output" -- Item Hight Increased for easy ID
Improved: Now the Open Dialog initial's dir is the one of the active file if no project is selected

Bugfix: With some class detection consistencies
BugFix: With adding multiple directories with some projects
BugFix: With VB.NET and C# formatted compiler output
BugFix: With Borland C++ formatted compiler output
BugFix: With LCC formatted compiler output
Bugfix: With SkyIDE->Project: Some options didn't work for a C# Project
Bugfix: With GNU C++ Project "libs" setting. SkyIDE produces invalid command
Bugfix: When compiling projects, the default project include directory was not passed to the compiler -- contradicting to what it says in Change Project Options
Bugfix: In Select Project Dialog in project properties, "Show Root Folder" no longer throws an error
Bugfix: With "Change Project Options" settings with D and C# projects
Bugfix: With compiling: Sometimes if compilation failed, the old exe ran anyway
Bugfix: With the newly added C# and VB.NET Object Viewers (just forgot to add some code)
Bugfix: Some very minor bugfixes with the function viewer

Other: Removed limitations with adding dirs in "Compiler Profiles" dialog
Other: Re-wrote most of the Compiling() code in order to make things easier to manage
Other: Relocated "Undo Last Close" a few levels up in the menu


- Working on adding support for Visual C++ Express (almost done)
- Bring back bakefile support
- And if I have time, add DLL compilation ability...


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