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Best way to Upgrade FARR and Preserve Customizations

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Hi mouser!

It's already too late for this version, but I would like to know the best way to do a portable upgrade from the older version of FARR to the current version, while preserving my settings.

I downloaded the latest version to a folder outside of the older version. Was that a mistake?
I tried adding a custom alias directly to the new FindAndRunRobot.ini by pasting from the old one. It was overwritten when I restarted FARR.  :-[

Anyway, what's the proper way to do this?



The portable version you download is packaged in a way that you can always just unzip it on top of your existing portable version to upgrade.

The only time you have to be a little careful is if you are going from a portable to install version, or vice versa, and want to preserve your settings.
In this case, the trick is simply to make sure FARR looks in the right place for your settings and customizations.  The ConfigDir*.ini files are what tell FARR where to look for its settings and where to save data.

Okay, thanks! So, for future updates, I just unzip into the same folder, right?



I tried adding a custom alias directly to the new FindAndRunRobot.ini by pasting from the old one. It was overwritten when I restarted FARR.
-Anklebuster (March 06, 2020, 11:17 PM)
--- End quote ---

I assume you meant that you tried to add a custom alias directly to an .alias file like myaliases.alias ?

To make sure that direct edits (in Notepad or some other editor) to the .alias file will stick first close the FARR process, then open and edit the .alias and then close FARR again.

If you are going to manually modify the .alias files, make sure you are not trying to manually edit one of the built-in read only alias files -- they will be overwritten on update.
If you want to modify or replace a built-in alias file, the way to do that is make a COPY of that alias file into your own alias directory and tell FARR to disable the built-in one.  That way your custom one won't be overwritten.


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