Thanks, but it's not what I want. I want an AutoHotKey script so I can change it as much as I like, depending on the situation.
Mainly, I want to use the PC speaker as alarm output, but I want to fine-control the frequency and the repeating cycles of the beep, and change them easily (i.e. editing the script). And when I want to play a wav file instead, I should be able to, having an editable ahk script. Moreover, I don't want the app in the taskbar, so it doesn't bother me when I press Alt-Tab: the ahk script solves this issue too.
The one I've posted would be the best for me, but there's something which prevents it from working, so I ask here help to fix the bug, as I am sadly a big fan of AutoHotKey, but a very beginner in scripting for it ;)