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The best uninstaller

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That feature i also programmed many years ago.... doing a registry snapshot before installation, same for installation folder, installation ended = create new snapshots, compare them and write differences in an own database.
It only worked for WindowsXP and earlier, Vista changed everything about "what i can do and what i can't do" i did not felt yet to update my logic :)

If many people want's, I could reinvent my logic to be WindowsVista+ compatible, to me it was just a fun project :)

I use the Geek uninstaller.  It's dead simple and fast and will scan for leftover files and registry entries.  It is portable.  It doesn't run any services, so maybe it doesn't catch as many things as others, but it's so straghtforward that it's wonderful.  It can remove windows 10 apps, too - even ones you can't uninstall.

Thanks everyone !!!!!!
 :-* :P

I need something wich have an "install tracker" the best I've seen is Uninstall Tool by CrystalIdea.-c-sanchez (February 23, 2020, 10:57 PM)
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I see that CrystalIDEA's Uninstall Tool is based on the code of Geek Uninstaller.

Do you rate it better than Total Uninstall (TUN)?

For me, Control Panel is the best app uninstaller :D


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