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Do good mice still exist? Looking for recommendations.

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And I liked it well enough until a couple years later I started having issues which indicate that the microswitch is failing in the mouse button(s).

1. Sometimes a click doesn't register at all.
2. Sometimes a single click registers as a double click.
3. Sometimes a click & drag registers as a single click & release.
-Deozaan (February 13, 2020, 05:57 PM)
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I think that's the problem statement.

I can't really offer any sort of a recommendation but man oh man but you must be hard on your gear!   I've never had a mouse (or keyboard) fail and I've been playing FPS games regularly for over 20 years.  FWIW I'm currently using an ($80) gigabyte gaming mouse (M800x) that I've had for nearly 10 years, and a generic logitech keyboard for well over that, and I've yet to have an issue.

Since you've been using generic mice for some time now the MS mouse is probably worth looking at.  Its recently gone back into production and the reviews I've seen have been positive (and I used one for many years at work without an issue). 

Here is the mouse I purchased December of 2017.  I'm still using it.  The clicks are quite silent and it feels great in the hand.  I love it.
-BGM (February 13, 2020, 08:52 PM)
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(I fixed the link there)

Been using a CoolerMaster Sentinel Advance mouse, (the original version), for about 10 years, the mechanics are still working fine but the cosmetics, (rubber-like coating, etc), are a little worse for wear which was a common problem.

I see they're up to the 3rd incarnation of it now.

Cranioscopical and others seem to be asleep at the switch.. So I guess it's up to me now


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