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Alomware Toolbox looks interesting with alot of tools

<< < (5/5)

He really, really needs to write the Automation chapter of Help  :)-rjbull (December 03, 2023, 03:34 PM)
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I just saw on Reddit that the app has been updated again, and then noticed there's been a start on the Automation chapter.

Go here and then click Automation in the Contents column:

He really, really needs to write the Automation chapter of Help  :)-rjbull (December 03, 2023, 03:34 PM)
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I just saw on Reddit that the app has been updated again, and then noticed there's been a start on the Automation chapter.
-BarryG (February 10, 2024, 06:22 AM)
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He said that v.2 was a very big update, and that the Automation chapter was/will be tantamount to a tutorial on programming.

He's very responsive to comments, which is a nice change in this world of big arrogant corporations.


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