Software > Jibz's Tools
Difine anything illegal
Hello, I'm curious to know what your license means by that, I mean, if I wrote a piece of malware/virus/etc I'm hardly likely to include a font in it!
I know that this may be picky, but I like to be clear, if you were inventing terminator I'd have a much better idea of what you mean, you want your terminator not to be used with flowers unless it has a flame thrower :)
That is a remnant from a time when I was much less aware about the problems of rolling your own licensing text. Unfortunately, the Dina homepage on DonationCoder has not been updated in years, the license included with the font was changed to the MIT license a while ago.
Technically the MIT license is a software license and not a font license, but I didn't particularly like the font licenses I found.
I'll notify the funtoo devs, they are still using the original.
I really like it, thanks!
Technically the MIT license is a software license and not a font license, but I didn't particularly like the font licenses I found.
-Jibz (September 06, 2015, 01:57 AM)
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Is there a reason you didn't specifically like the Creative Commons licenses CC-BY (Attribution) or CC-BY-SSA (Attribution-ShareAlike) or similar?
I quite like both, I just didn't consider them back when I started working on Dina.
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