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What was a great program that's now been forgotten?
Could someone give me a link(s) to information sources about Zaine? I don't think I've heard of that proggy before.
-IainB (January 24, 2020, 02:50 PM)
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Here you go: Zaine :P
zridling is Zaine. :D (check his signature at the bottom of his post)
Mouser and others are just glad to see him again after a long absence. His previous post was 5 years ago.
Google Desktop Search.
Ronstadt’s Financials. One of the best financial and business planning tools ever developed.
FoxPro - The PC database to end all databases.
MaxThink (single pane outliner) along with Houdini and the rest of Nils Larsson’s brilliant programs for writers, thinkers, and planners. His hypertext authoring programs anticipated much of what HTML does. Definitely tools ahead of their time.
Qmodem - a telecommunications program that was the gateway drug for the emerging online generation. For many it provided their first taste of the magic of online through the BBS world before the advent of the public Internet. (Anybody remember Rusty n Edies, FidoNet, and Boardwatch Magazine?)
I know what web page I miss: Zaine's Great Software List.
In 2005 it was the bee's knees, and somewhat of an inspiration for donationcoder..
Pocomail and Barca
The best email software I've ever used. Sadly, it went the same route as many other email clients
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