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What was a great program that's now been forgotten?
The one that comes to mind for me is WordStar, a ground breaking word processor from back in the character-mode CP/M & DOS days. It didn't successfully make the jump to graphical environments. They got killed by WordPerfect and MS Word.
Pioneered the use of the ESDX 'diamond' for cursor movement (when the Ctrl key was held down). Way back then keyboards didn't always have dedicated arrow keys. Made far more sense to me than Vi's HLJK scheme.
I just threw out an old manual/floppy box from the 80's that I had kept around for nostalgia reasons.
For those with a Western Digital set top box or something similar it may still be very useful.-MilesAhead (January 24, 2020, 10:46 AM)
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Common problem with a WDTV Live was it couldn't handle MKV's that had compressed headers, (I still have and use one), remuxing to use uncompressed headers made the files playable, format translation wasn't necessary.
WordStar, a ground breaking word processor
-mwb1100 (January 24, 2020, 12:29 PM)
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I was seriously ticked off when WP beat them out. Threw away mine last year having not used it for decades.
Could someone give me a link(s) to information sources about Zaine? I don't think I've heard of that proggy before.
I'd add Lotus Agenda to the list anyway.
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