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What was a great program that's now been forgotten?
* Winamp
-app103 (February 01, 2020, 12:41 AM)
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Winamp is still around:
Chimp Notes, probably my first auto saving note taking and outlining software. I use ResophNotes and Simplenote now But still have fond memories of Chimp Notes.
Greetings Scary Taskbar Girl,
I've only recently got my PC back running after more than two years. I noticed that the Yahoo Weather widget isn't functioning--again! I went to the Donation Coder site to look for the fix you made available four years ago. When it didn't work I posted a message to you on 5/09/'22 to ask you about it. In searching further on the site I came across your post about it, that appears to have been dated 2/01/'20. In that post you indicated that you would have to re-write the widget.
I'm writing to ask you is there anything I can do to encourage you? Would another donation be helpful? Please let me know. Thank you.
I'm missing spartan clipboard.
I'm missing spartan clipboard.
-flamerz (May 22, 2022, 09:11 AM)
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If it was your favourite, OK, I understand - but there are an awful lot of good alternatives...
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