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What was a great program that's now been forgotten?
It appears WinChime has been updated recently by its author to be compatible with Windows 10.
An update coming 15 years after the last one ! :Thmbsup:
A newer one (early 90's) that I liked was 386Max! A DOS program, it allowed the user to load memory-resident programs and drivers in the unused memory space between the 640k and 1meg area, so that more of the 640k space was available to regular DOS programs. It also allowed easy configuration of the memory above the 1meg mark to allow programs to use Extended and/or Expanded memory.
-autohost (March 27, 2020, 10:14 AM)
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Now that brings back memories. Quarterdeck QEMM/386 and DESQview. All that extra memory and multi-tasking DOS apps too. (Should have mentioned it above when I was reminiscing about the BBS -- DESKview let me run a BBS and use the PC for other things at the same time. Sounds trivial now, but pre-Windows that was kind of revolutionary. Not cheap but once you had it you never, ever wanted to do without it again...
Now that brings back memories. Quarterdeck QEMM/386 and DESQview. All that extra memory and multi-tasking DOS apps too. (Should have mentioned it above when I was reminiscing about the BBS -- DESKview let me run a BBS and use the PC for other things at the same time. Sounds trivial now, but pre-Windows that was kind of revolutionary. Not cheap but once you had it you never, ever wanted to do without it again...
-oblivion (March 27, 2020, 12:46 PM)
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+1 :up:
DOS with QEMM, DESQview, and 4DOS (or NDOS) as command processor was a greyhound and the fastest, most responsive and productive system I ever had - provided you didn't want graphics or the Internet. <deep melancholy sigh>
IIRC, QEMM contained speeder-upper memory management technology that Quarterdeck called Virtual Real-time Object-Oriented Memory Management, or VROOMM for short. I hope somebody got a small prize for dreaming up an acronym as twisted as that.
Battlefield 1942
Winamp - It was bought from AOL by Radionomy, and they promised to continue development, but they don't really seem that interested. A 3rd party that used to be part of the Winamp team at AOL, has taken up patching it and developing plugins to extend functionality under the name of WACUP, in the hopes of eventually releasing his own replacement
-app103 (February 01, 2020, 12:41 AM)
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And the original developer, who sold it to AOL, founded Reaper, one of the best DAWs, which is still going strong - last release 3rd April.
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