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See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home

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The new laptop has 1920x1080 resolution.
That's good for almost any case.
But for one program the letters are too small for me . so I would like to configure the size from windows only for this program, not in generally.

How can I do that with windows 10 home edition 64 bits ?

Best Regards
 :-*See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home

Resize a Font individual to a specific size can only be done, aslong i know, by application itself.
Windows just brings either reset all for one dpi/size or use screen magnify.
For some quick results, there might be a chance to AHK it, but AHK aint my territory so i can only help to program a resizer but for that i would need a minimalistic portable version of your target program.

Resize a Font individual to a specific size can only be done, aslong i know, by application itself.
Windows just brings either reset all for one dpi/size or use screen magnify.
For some quick results, there might be a chance to AHK it, but AHK aint my territory so i can only help to program a resizer but for that i would need a minimalistic portable version of your target program.

-KodeZwerg (January 20, 2020, 09:12 AM)
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Seems difficult   :(

See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home

If I can scale inside the application would be enough.
That is apply a scale factor only to the target application.

Is it possible ?

In windows we can scale but for all the applications. I only need one.

edited : 125 % is a good factor for me.

Have you tried playing with the Compatibility/High DPI settings per application? It's in the <Right-Click-icon>/Properties pages of the application.

And some applications support Ctrl-scroll-wheel-scrolling for scaling only their window/font.


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