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See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home
The new laptop has 1920x1080 resolution.
That's good for almost any case.
But for one program the letters are too small for me . so I would like to configure the size from windows only for this program, not in generally.
How can I do that with windows 10 home edition 64 bits ?
Best Regards
:-*See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home
Resize a Font individual to a specific size can only be done, aslong i know, by application itself.
Windows just brings either reset all for one dpi/size or use screen magnify.
For some quick results, there might be a chance to AHK it, but AHK aint my territory so i can only help to program a resizer but for that i would need a minimalistic portable version of your target program.
Resize a Font individual to a specific size can only be done, aslong i know, by application itself.
Windows just brings either reset all for one dpi/size or use screen magnify.
For some quick results, there might be a chance to AHK it, but AHK aint my territory so i can only help to program a resizer but for that i would need a minimalistic portable version of your target program.
-KodeZwerg (January 20, 2020, 09:12 AM)
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Seems difficult :(
See the text bigger only inside one program in w10 home
If I can scale inside the application would be enough.
That is apply a scale factor only to the target application.
Is it possible ?
In windows we can scale but for all the applications. I only need one.
edited : 125 % is a good factor for me.
Have you tried playing with the Compatibility/High DPI settings per application? It's in the <Right-Click-icon>/Properties pages of the application.
And some applications support Ctrl-scroll-wheel-scrolling for scaling only their window/font.
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