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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Any coders here on patreon?

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If you're a programmer who hangs out here and you have a patreon account where you are asking people to support your coding, post a link here so those who want to support you can find your account easily.  :Thmbsup:

Patreon page @

Thanks from a most-grateful,

If you're a programmer who hangs out here and you have a patreon account
-mouser (January 20, 2020, 12:19 AM)
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It could be nice to have a Patreon icon that could be configured in the profile to point to the Patreon page, and displayed on the left with the other account icons... :-[

Agreed 100%, it's on my todo list.

Agreed 100%, it's on my todo list.
-mouser (January 20, 2020, 10:19 PM)
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It should possibly be a generic sort of icon- there are other platforms other than Patreon (frex I use PayHip and liberapay- and I know there's also ko-fi, itch, GumRoad)


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