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BUG? Second Past Always As Plain Text

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Clipboard Captor would be the name I would choose now.. Perhaps with support for multiple formats it can evolve into Clipboard Captor..-mouser (January 30, 2020, 05:05 AM)
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...Mm. I can envisage an automagic link to the ScreenshotCaptor image repository, which would help to justify the name change, even if the use is relatively trivial...

Do people really care about supporting formats other than richtext format, like internal application formats?
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Not really. I don't think.


Mm. It's an edge case. I might think about using it if it was there, perhaps if it was something that could be switched on and off for captures relatively easily, or via a dedicated keyboard shortcut...

Clipboard Captor would be the name I would choose now.. Perhaps with support for multiple formats it can evolve into Clipboard Captor..

Here's a question about clipboard formats.. Do people really care about supporting formats other than richtext format, like internal application formats?  Not sure it matters much -- if I go to the trouble of supporting additional formats I'd probably support them all, with an option to ignore all but plaintext or plaintext+richtext..
-mouser (January 30, 2020, 05:05 AM)
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I think (some) people do care, and I think you're right about going the extra mile and including all formats the native Windows clipboard captures.

As for the name, "Captor" for some reason has a rather draconian ring to it.  (e.g. noun:  a person or animal that catches or confines another. [Oxford])

ClipMaster maybe?  (fyi - ClipboardMaster is already a product.)




ClipKeeper?  (haha - makes me think "CryptKeeper")   ;D


What else can you folks come up with?

I would have cared about vector format in the past -- as in if you copied e.g. drawn vectors/fill/etc in inkscape/illustrator/etc.
I'm actually not doing any work in that direction atm, but will be again (so happy to test if you do include it).

Currently what happens here with vectors is:
Last clip pastes correctly (in my experience) as vector
previous vector clips get pasted as a bitmap
(whether text or image is favoured in preferences makes no difference)

Maybe of interest: Related discussion here (from 2011)

PS there may be other solutions for vector clipboard (?), I'm out of touch and havent done a search outside of dc on the topic.

Working on storing all formats in clips..

So far so good, I've got CHS successfully retrieving all data formats from clipboard..
Storing and reapplying them won't be so hard.

I think the real bulk of the work will be adding good user options to control how much of this stuff is actually stored..


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