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NANY 2020 Release: Apps You Forgot

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Yes. I stopped too, but looks like it came in new autohotkey installation.

Will have a look into it.



My local Avast scanned it and accepted it as a-ok :up:

Apps You Forgot Updated to 1.0.1. See the first post for details.

Missing App list working ok.
Forgot App list shows days accessed ago, have check in different combination to confirm if ok.
Setting to give program path to search for exe working ok.

Apps You Forgot creates text file with prefix AYF_ which contains all the scanned lnk and exe files. You can check them for verification.

Feedback awaited.

IMPORTANT: I checked with various combination of upx and non-upx but virustotal always gave 4/5 warnings. So decided to keep as it is. Though they are false positive, but if you prefer, do not use the app.



I really like the idea.
At the present moment with my old Goldmine CRM I have split the original database in four . I am categorizing each day a few minutes and I have work for months...... In the future I will have four databases before my death.
But the experience is interesting because shows my steps during all those years.
And your program gives the opportunity to launch a new look. A new aspect to be consider. A new special sight. A NEW key.
Sometimes we forgot a program, a very important program, just because we reinstall windows. or in my case with a M.2 NVMe of 1 TB coming to substitute an old disk for the system shows the convenience to revise - FROM TIME TO TIME - what i really have. Just because our needs have encountered the infinitum. And with the infinitum the distraction ......

 :-* :P


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