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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Sagelight Image Editor v4 returns as Pay-What-You-Want

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Fingers crossed the donation-model works for him  :Thmbsup:

Looks as if it is very nearly 10 years since I bought v4.

Looks as if it is very nearly 10 years since I bought v4.
-Dormouse (December 22, 2019, 10:13 AM)
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yeah, just had a look, nine years ago he had some sort of lifetime deal via gizmo (techsupportalert?)
Curious to see the new one.

yeah, just had a look, nine years ago he had some sort of lifetime deal via gizmo (techsupportalert?)
Curious to see the new one.-tomos (December 22, 2019, 10:22 AM)
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I think he had sales independent of the gizmo deal too. I appear to have two licences.

Nice and... shows a min donation of $10 for v5 free if he has to charge for it while... shows a min donation of $5 for v5 free if he has to charge for it.

Just a FYI the bigger amount he most likely means, but that does make it a little confusing.


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