Software > Screenshot Captor
Outstanding bugs...
Hi Mouser,
Well done to get so many releases out together. I'd hate to have my productivity measured against you :)
Can I ask you about some older postings?
I have an issue with 'Ctrl + A', it doesn't select all the image if it is too large to fit on the screen. Removing the screenshot panel does allow more of the image to be selected. See
Another posting I had was a suggestion about trying to override the save to disk. See You said you might try and put an option to override this and you had hoped to have this in the next release.
I've also noticed that using 'Ctrl + C' doesn't always copy the selected image to the clipboard, the previous clipboard contents remains intact. I can't see a pattern to this behaviour.
Thanks and as usual, great work Mouser.
I'll take a look at these and try to fix all for next release, i do thank you for the reminders.
The option to not autosave is in fact implemented:
Hi Mouser,
Thanks for the reply, but I knew about the "Don't Auto Save Captures".
In a previous posting ( you said:
what if i added options to right click tray for quick settings like:
1) autosave and stay minimized
2) dont autosave but copy to clipboard
--- End quote ---
Its the quick setting I was looking for.
Thanks again.
Ah yes, thanks for the reminder, i like that idea i just forgot about it.
i don't mean to threadjack but on reading of the problems with Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C, i would just like to remind about this problem with conflicting shortcuts and being a keyboardist, this really gets in the way.. :)
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