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I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten

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I remain not even slightly persuaded of the need to go full Markdown though.
-Dormouse (October 24, 2019, 04:50 AM)
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It really depends on your usecase.  I don't use strictly markdown- I use plaintext when I need to, and even todotxt.  It's the one reason I've contemplated making my own texthaven replacement so that it would support rendering those formats.  But for now, having them in those formats where I need them is enough for me; I use dedicated editors when the formatting matters.

I've been reading about the zettelkasten method here last couple of days.  I like it.  I'd be interested in software that can do this.  Sounds like a wiki of some sort.

I'm looking at the zettelkasten software out there:
ConnectedText, i remember trying this years ago, but was still in the traditional notetaker mindset.  I'll give it another shot.  Looks interesting
Zkn3, seems more zettelkasten specific.  would give it a try.  i suspect connectedtext is more polished and easier to use.

could i really break free of hard coded organization and categorizing structures that most notetakers have?  even onenote, with its freeform whitespace, is still organized by the pages/tabs (same as a hierarchy).  but with zettelkasten software, the ties will be made sort of automatically somehow using the words, and links can be created between them. 

also, here is IainB (the master!) writeup of zettel a few years ago:
worth a read.

I still have that software that he recommended, though I never used it.  You can download it from  I don't have the installer, but it runs after installing Java Runtime.

I remain not even slightly persuaded of the need to go full Markdown though.
-Dormouse (October 24, 2019, 04:50 AM)
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It really depends on your usecase.  I don't use strictly markdown- I use plaintext when I need to, and even todotxt. -wraith808 (October 24, 2019, 09:53 AM)
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I can see that.
I feel as if I might have stumbled on to a very slippery slope and am gathering speed, with Markdown the next bump in the road, and no clear idea of an end zone.

In practice, at this point, everything will depend on the speed and effectiveness of the search app. Too slow or clumsy and there's more lost than gained.

I've realised that I might make extra efficiencies. Not having stuff spread across a number of database programs and not easily accessing all documents in the file system because I've lost the name. I could find them with Archivarius or other programs, but the waiting time means it has never been worth it. I could consolidate on one database program, but then all eggs are in one basket and each program has specific advantages that I have tried to leverage.


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