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I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten

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I love seeing your processes, as they point out places that I can improve mine. I'd never looked at my Zettel from a perspective of taking things from my browser, other than what I explicitly consume. After seeing how integrated your browser was with your process, I looked for, and found, a webpage to MD converter that clipped from web pages in VS Code. Finding that minimizes one other tool that I use - Notion. I used that as a storage space for my web clippings, and used automation to get things out when needed. This skips that step!

Thanks. I'm nibbling away at it, while still trying to get some stuff done.

The big issue I have now in the zettelkasten is the file management. I need to refine programs for doing that. Obsidian doesn't really: it does its bit with its own files, but not files in general. Was always going to be crucial with everything in files. I have ways of managing them,  but not a refined system.

Here's the summary of my zettelkasten, as previously described.
I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten

The big issue I have now in the zettelkasten is the file management.
-Dormouse (April 13, 2021, 11:34 AM)
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I have many file managers & TagSpaces. Plus Search utilities.
In the past, I've found that I tend to have a preferred file manager and setup for particular activities. But none of them jumped out at me once I was doing zettelkasten type notes in .md files. I probably don't want to change Directory Opus, which has been my general go to. I like Q-Dir for shuffling files between folders.
Will need to think about XYplorer more.
dk about TagSpaces. I suspect that I will stop using it. I like the idea, but I'm not sure it can be configured as part of a simple and efficient workflow - display is a bit noisy but also not as detailed as is needed for huge numbers of files.
I have OneCommander installed (v2 + v3 beta), and look at it from time to time. The attraction is Miller columns, and that does offer a genuine alternative in the way the file system is presented.
I like mouse rather than keyboard, which is different to many users, and many explorers which seem optimised for keyboard with less attention to mouse options.

I already stopped using TagSpaces. With largish collections of documents, it really lags. I'm just using tags in my md documents for the markdown, and one of the editors that I'm using - Deepdwn- categorizes by the tags in the yaml.

I already stopped using TagSpaces. With largish collections of documents, it really lags.
-wraith808 (April 13, 2021, 05:01 PM)
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It does. And the interface just isn't showing me enough. I don't remember it being like that on the desktop - different resolution, faster processor - but this ought not to be slow. So TagSpaces will go. That's OK, not invested much in it overall.

Still dk about Xyplorer. Tags etc aren't multi-platform etc, but it does at least have them. Test documents aren't really an issue because, as you say, they are typed in, but other types of files are. So I will look at how well it might do that.

But my big winner will be OneCommander (v3 beta). For the purpose of going through a very large collection of files, I find that the Miller Column approach suits me (and the mouse) perfectly. Has 7 colour tags - so something for very temporary visual use. But it's no use for tagging.


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