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I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten

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The Obsidian mobile apps are out in a very limited access, bug-stomping beta. I'm avoiding it for now as I don't want to get sucked into a vortex which will give me no short-term gain.

My journal has continued successfully, still informed by Virginia Woolf's practice. Once she'd got into the swing of it, she wrote her journal in the afternoon/evening with her serious writing in the morning. Journal entries varied: sometimes she used them to help develop new ideas and issues; sometimes she practiced styles; sometimes she recorded events, sometimes, observations, sometimes feelings; sometimes she analysed her beliefs and aims about writing. Gaps, of course, because of her illnesses and engagements that took all her time.

I'm not partitioning by time of day, but I am partitioning by entry and storage system. Continuing to use Diarium, even though Obsidian will become a practical option with the mobile versions. I can export the relevant entries from Diarium (as text) into Obsidian (rename as md). I| doubt the Obsidian option will ever be as slick, and I can already recognise the value of the different mindset when I'm writing the diary. If I didn't need mobile, I would probably just use The Journal but I do find Diarium very smooth. Effectively, it means that the journal is one path into my notes.

FWIW I'm also trialling Instapaper (potentially also comapring it with Pocket) and Readwise, again as part of the entry system. Also Readly. I'd never seen the value of Readwise which struck me as expensive, given that it is easy to find alternative ways of doing the same thing. But convenience has a value and one of the advantages it might bring is a greater use of highlighting and notes on everything rather than just where it will obviously be useful.

I'm aware that there have been one or two Obsidian updates that have resulted in (a tiny amount of) data loss (quickly addressed). And somewhat greater issues arising from plugins. Some reports of data loss seem most likely to be due to conflict with a user's sync system. For the moment, I don't use community plugins at all and I am exercising caution over what I use Obsidian for and making sure I have sufficient backups. (Ditto for the Diarium database.) My plan is to do a major review once the pace of development has slowed; I expect then to move back to heavier use, but with a clear idea of how to manage security and what limitations I should impose on use. So far it has moved from all data being in the vault folders, to adding jsons in User profiles, and then adding a database in the User profile; the databases aren't essential - they will be recreated from scratch if deleted, but there's no way I've seen to turn off the persistent storage automatically. It's moving too fast to be worth attempting such a review yet.

I've started to combine a new editor with my VS Code workflow - Deepdwn ( I love the way that it uses YAML to categorize and tag the content, and they work well together. The only thing that doesn't like the combination is markdownlint, but I just turned off the offending rule.

I've started to combine a new editor with my VS Code workflow - Deepdwn ( -wraith808 (March 13, 2021, 03:24 PM)
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Looks quite nice, though I'm not sure I have a real use for another editor.
Not quite sure where I stand on YAML. I originally stuck a YAML section into Obsidian notes, for potential future use, but then deleted them all when they said that the YAML was being reserved for plugin use - would be beyond irritating to develop a use and then have it disrupted by plugins. That seems to have reversed and it's now used by some people, though I'm still not sure why I would need it. Easy enough to add should I want to.

I use Typora regularly because pasting excel cells produces a markdown table that I can copy and paste elsewhere. I don't know which other editors will do that, but don't have an incentive to look.
FWIW, if I paste the cells into Diarium,  I get a formatted table in an image file and the unformatted text in the body of the entry. I always ue Excel because I don't get the same response from Sheets - even when I paste the cells into Excel and then abstract them again. It all seems very odd to me, but I don't really need to understand why they work in this fashion.

The Obsidian Mobile app (ultra early, very limited access beta) was going to be for light input use only, according to the Trello roadmap, but afaics it's pretty full featured. Many minor glitches still but works with all the plugins, css etc. Many seem to be using it on production vaults, but I'm only peering at it occasionally through isolated test vaults. Doesn't require the use of the Obsidian Sync service at all; I'll avoid subscribing to that because, apart from the extra cost, it would just add another unnecessary layer of processes for me to understand and set up.


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