What’s Wrong with Markdown?

I enjoyed reading this, but it stopped so quickly.
I think he could make it a weekly blog for a few years and then bundle it up into a book.
yes indeed lol.
I find Markdown attractive for writing on the computer. The guy has good points.
Part of the attraction is that developers have been trying to use markdown to create nice gui's for writing, like zettlr. It's very satisfying to see all the colors and headings change by putting the pound or asterisk symbol, etc.
It's nice that a lot of people have latched on to the format, and we all feel we can use these text files to get around in life. I think part of this guy's comments doesn't appreciate the aesthetics of the writing community.
But again, on a technical level, he has points...and I have struggled very much with the conversion of documents.
My dream is that something like markdown text files can be used to create live websites, similar to what andy matsuchack has going on in his blog that he won't share with anyone.
from the website perspective...i can't stand how big of a beast wordpress is when 90% of what i want to do is covered by markdown files. I just want to sync markdown files to a server and have a website created around that, i think it would be great and so would a lot of others. I just don't think the formatting issues this guy mentions is that big a deal. So you write a conversion thing using css to customize the markdown styles. so what? That's easy and people would LOVE that.
html and wysiwig html editors are similar too, but they never took off like this. rtf was sort of supposed to be like markdown.
but the idea of self contained, formatted plain text documents is VERY attractive. Html or markdown, but markdown is frankly more smooth.
i would ask everyone who is obsessed with this like me to think back on the evolution of all this (from a note taking perspective, not programming)....
we've seen (even right here on these discussion forums) how evernote took off and evolved. This idea of not being able to move notes easily in and out of software is a huge pain, and like the OP here, we want to avoid this forever. I loved evernote, but hated this particular aspect of it. And they are all like that.
plain text files --> good looking website
whoever does this nicely will be king.