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I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkasten

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I am curious what other systems you use and to what purpose.
-sphere (July 09, 2020, 10:10 AM)
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My system is only starting to evolve. Hesitant to put too much weight on it when I know that Obsidian could be very different in 6 months.

So I have WriteMonkey 3 sharing some files with Obsidian. They are in the WM database with the synced copy accessible to both. In Obsidian those files are linked to many other notes related to the MSS being written.
I prefer writing in WriteMonkey and its incredibly convenient to have all the related gubbins networked together and visible in Obsidian.

I also have the folder with those texts open in ProWritingAid simply to aid analysis as I progress.

Naturally I also write notes in other apps, especially on Android, and they're transferred into the folders of the Obsidian vaults.

Are the MD files taged somehow to indicate that they are linked to other files
-sphere (July 09, 2020, 10:07 AM)
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Multiple links to other files and notes in most md documents. Read by any program that can interpret md.

Try it yourself to get a feel for it.

GitJournal has just added wiki style links for compatibility with Foam, Obsidian etc.

A number of Obsidian users are recommending having their Obsidian vaults on Github. Benefits of versions and no cost. Some express concerns about privacy. GitJournal is a mobile markdown editor that syncs into Git which sounds as if it could create a very smooth workflow.

Notion, Roam, and The Future of Doing Work:

I am curious what other systems you use and to what purpose.
-sphere (July 09, 2020, 10:10 AM)
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My system is only starting to evolve. Hesitant to put too much weight on it when I know that Obsidian could be very different in 6 months.

So I have WriteMonkey 3 sharing some files with Obsidian. They are in the WM database with the synced copy accessible to both. In Obsidian those files are linked to many other notes related to the MSS being written.
I prefer writing in WriteMonkey and its incredibly convenient to have all the related gubbins networked together and visible in Obsidian.

I also have the folder with those texts open in ProWritingAid simply to aid analysis as I progress.

Naturally I also write notes in other apps, especially on Android, and they're transferred into the folders of the Obsidian vaults.
-Dormouse (July 09, 2020, 01:38 PM)
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Thanks. That is helpful.
I plan on giving it a try this weekend if I get some time off work.


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