Software > N.A.N.Y. 2020
NANY 2020 Release - Android App - DiscussionList
i could probably fix that by making another tap location you could tap on widget to go back..
-mouser (October 30, 2019, 12:22 PM)
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If that's not too much work, that'd be nice :)
Yeah the preferences dialog is just back button to leave.. I would prefer a set of "Save/Cancel" buttons, but I guess this is how android wants to do it.
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Apparently so, silly android!
Any new suggestions?
Any new suggestions?
-mouser (November 04, 2019, 07:00 PM)
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an idea --
I find myself wanting to write variations on current questions. Would it be possible when in edit mode to duplicate the entry? Something like with Google calendar.
It's not a bad idea as a general function, to add a duplicate feature...
Though I will note that for discussion list, the easiest thing might be to write your items using a text editor and use the simple import feature/syntax.
It's not a bad idea as a general function, to add a duplicate feature...
Though I will note that for discussion list, the easiest thing might be to write your items using a text editor and use the simple import feature/syntax.
-mouser (November 05, 2019, 03:35 AM)
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Yes :up:
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