Software > N.A.N.Y. 2020
NANY 2020 Release - Android App - DiscussionList
Re creating a list file:
* And then each item on its own line after that, with \n used for linebreaks if desired.-mouser (October 20, 2019, 10:02 PM)
--- End quote ---
(it's a pain to test as preparing text on pc for phone)
Is this correct usage -- where I want author's name on separate line:
--- Code: Text ---This is the quote which will be followed by author's name. \n Author NameThis is the next Quote. \n Author Name
Yeah that should do it. I can't remember if I strip the extra spaces.. You don't need them.. If I don't strip them currently I will add code to do so, so you don't get extra spaces in the display.
Just remember that in the text file you want to import the first line should be:
And if you want to assign the newly imported items a tag (highly recommended, will make it easier to delete them all if you want to), put something like this on a line before the items:
--- ---@TAG:tomos
Yeah that should do it. I can't remember if I strip the extra spaces.. You don't need them.. If I don't strip them currently I will add code to do so, so you don't get extra spaces in the display.
-mouser (November 18, 2019, 06:57 AM)
--- End quote ---
I tried without spaces and it worked as expected
--- Code: Text ---[hr]This is the quote which will be followed by author's name.\nAuthor Namecorrectly becomes
This is the quote which will be followed by author's name.
Author Name
--- End quote ---
A bug though!
Quotemarks dont get read / come through as that diamond shaped symbol with a question mark in it.
FWIW the text file was created/saved in Notepad, windows 7
I notice if I add quote marks within Discussion List, they show correctly
Quotemarks dont get read / come through as that diamond shaped symbol with a question mark in it.
--- End quote ---
This must be one of the quote characters not native in ascii.. That is, a quote that is different from standard doublequote and apostrophe or backtick.
So I think it may have to do with UTF8..
BUT I know i "solved" this issue in some sense.. DiscussionList *will* support such characters, but the file has to be encoded in utf8 i think.
See if you can tell notepad to save the file in utf8 encoding..
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