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Windows 10.0.18362.356 - the good, the bad and the weird


A few weeks ago I got the auto-update to Version 10.0.18362.356. This is maybe the first time ever I'm really positively surprised by a Windows update. I always open Chrome after a reboot and leave it running as long as possible - with 100+ tabs (The Great Suspender extension being used on many of those) that used to mean a reboot was required after about 4 to 7 days because Windows was running out of available RAM. (Sure, restarting Chrome would have helped but a rebooted Windows feels even faster.)

After this update, I managed to increase that period to about 14 days, which is great! :)

Now to the bad/weird part: before rebooting I killed Chrome - and this time (first time ever), Windows would not free up the RAM again! :huh: I've checked with Task Manager and Process Explorer... Chrome wasn't using RAM, nothing else used more RAM than it should, but there was hardly any free RAM available. Not a big deal since I wanted to reboot anyway, but weird!


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