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Artists: What digital hardware+software do you use for digital sketchin/painting
I'm a fan of Paint Tool SAI... a bit different from the photoshop CC I use in class but it's convenient, simple and refreshing to use once you get the basics down. It's a great piece of intermediate level software that hammers down the essentials. Not too many fancy photo manipulations but all the brushes are there + accessible online.
As for hardware, I'm at a loss. My Macbook Pro laptop + pen tablet is nice . I use a XP-Pen Deco 03 Graphics Tablet with SAI . The tablet is ok, but it's really hard for me to match where the pen is on the tablet with where it is on the screen. Now I've moved to my XP-Pen Artist 24 Pro drawing display with SAI installed and it's like a whole new world.
Hi.. I'm using my graphics tablet and a pen to draw things... it's more like drawing on a paper or something... but you can convert it to the adobe creative cloud and edit it or use it there... it's so cool!
Here is an german article about graphics tablets and some buy recommandations if you fancy...
my tools of choice are Serif's DrawPlus for vector graphics
-oblivion (January 13, 2020, 08:42 AM)
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That's their pre-Affinity one, yes? Are you still happy with it on Win10?-rjbull (January 13, 2020, 03:43 PM)
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Yes, but only the 32-bit version seems okay. The 64-bit version has a nasty habit of hanging during the loading process.
Not that it's relevant, but I never went with Affinity because, having been a Serif user since about 1993, when they ditched their old codebase for a completely new start, making a conscious decision to abandon support for the previous product line, I felt a little aggrieved. So I'm wringing all the value I can get from the Serif products I have licences for -- DrawPlus, PagePlus, PhotoPlus -- and I don't much care how good Affinity is, I'm not going there.
-oblivion (January 13, 2020, 05:49 PM)
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I was also pretty annoyed when Serif abandoned the DrawPlus line. I do have Afinity now. I still haven't desided if I like it or not. I think the idea of pixel-level editing has promise for drawing icons. The user interface is really different from other programs though, and I haven't had a lot of time to relearn something from scratch.
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