Software > N.A.N.Y. 2020
N.A.N.Y. 2020 Release: Mass JSON Editor
NANY 2020 Entry Information
Application Name Mass JSON Editor Version 1.0.0 Short Description A follow on to last year's NANY project Mass JSON Viewer, I've updated it and added the ability to edit.Web Page in progress Download Link
A follow on to last year's NANY project Mass JSON Viewer, I've updated it and added the ability to edit. Well, it's more like an overhaul, using some techniques and controls as a starting point for the features. I haven't had as much time as usual, so there's still features that I can add, though the ones that are there are the ones that I needed to begin with, i.e. the ability to see what Newtonsoft did with the JSON, and cut and paste nodes and replace them. I wanted to add the ability to edit in place, but that one fell by the wayside in the interest of getting it completed for what it was needed.
Select a folder, and the application will iterate the folder, showing the json files contained within. You can add objects, add arrays, remove any node, and copy and paste the nodes elsewhere - even replacing them. ou can also edit the values in the area to the side where the type is shown. You can also save the changed file- overwriting your original file, or as a different file.
N.A.N.Y. 2020 Release: Mass JSON Editor
Just copy it where you want and run it!
Just delete the folder. It creates nothing anywhere else.
Other Notes
It's not very user friendly- if you switch to a different file before saving your changes, it will not warn you. There is no undo. It is slower than I'd like, so after you open a folder, there is a bit of a wait for very large JSON files. I unfortunately haven't found anything with a similar featureset.
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