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New anti-spam process being put into place

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We are testing a new anti-spam process, where the first post of a new member will not be visible until it is approved.
If we can get it working, the amount of spam visible on the forum should drop considerably.

But the potential for real visitors being confused and having their post not show up for a bit is a concern.

Please let me know if you have any trouble posting on the forum ([email protected] or see the contact page).

Other forums have this as a standard feature that only needs to be enabled, or as a plugin. I can only assume SMF has this too. (my main experience is with phpbb though...)

I'm all in favor of this plan (I've reported quite a number of (possible) spammers the last couple of months, often several (3-4) hours after they posted :huh:), and I have the impression the automated spamfilters haven't been as effective as before :o

I'm under the impression that this anti-spam measure is really working as intended :Thmbsup:

I just hope the extra administrative load isn't too much of a burden for boardadmins... ;)

Also haven't seen any recently :)

Yes, looks like clean rss feed again.




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