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Eudora, Hermes and Pandora - also compared to TheBat! and other email clients

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PIMs wise, DoogiePIM has email too, very good in my experience. But as far as emails go the feature list doesn't match dedicated email clients.

I would probably use Pegasus Mail today if its IMAP configuration wasn't so weird. It's a bit sad that Pegasus 5.0 has been delayed for ... more than a decade now?

I am "mostly" happy with my current e-mail situation (The Bat! on Windows, varying clients on other systems), but, you know, the grass on the other side of the fence...
I did not know that Eudora was still a thing, so I had not tried it even once. I had a short test ride with the HERMES installer linked above. Impressions:

1) Wow, that thing looks outdated. A Windows 3.11 application, very roughly compiled on Windows 98 and not updated since? Yes, that's obvious.
2) A lot of dialogs and "information" pops up. Ugh.
3) I (somehow) like the Lotus-Notes-like look and feel ... but still, ugh.

Steven Avery:
To us Eudora folks, the program is simply a clean machine.  Granted, you do not have many open independent actions/windows on the Taskbar like you do with TheBat!, Thunderbird and some others.

Imap is not an issue to me. Especially not Gmail Imap.  The numbers never seem right. The actions downhill never seem to take uphill. If I have to access my home base email from a juice bar or cafe, I use Teamviewer, but that is very rare, especially as I use Google accounts in special ways (one for personal important finance and stuff, one for biz on Gsuite, one for travel info, etc.)  If I am travelling for a week or three I usually take the time to put the 100 GB or so home base downloads on my laptop.  Granted, every 5 or 10 years I consider an archive method of putting all the old email in its own spot.

I tried Pegasus, I did not keep notes, it is a good program, I just thought it was not up to Eudora on some of the essentials of filtering and searching.  Maybe the editor was not as crisp, and Eudora has incredible stability. Stuff like that. For fun, I could try it again, especially when 5.0 comes out, see the blog post from a few months ago, where Dave explains some health issues that slowed him down (this year, I am putting aside back years). The forum looks good, one gentleman was upset about moderation of even long-time members. It is not super-active like the Eudora community, a decade and more after Eudora ended.

It is possible the Hermes installer has some funky-dunky elements.  It might be crisper to load the latest Version 7 Eudora, and then copy over the four files from Hermes that essentially fix Eudora for encryption/TSL. That is the impression I got from some posts on the Eudora forum. 

btw, the Eudora forum I mentioned does have a pseudo-archive, that is triggered by searching by sending an email with the search terms.  I am trying it out.  And there is a Yahoogroups second forum that is good also.  TheBat! online forum is ok as is a different email forum. Right now I am trying to find out why the redirect action on filters seems to trigger in manual mode when it is only an Inbox-download filter.  This is the type of stuff where TheBat! can be negatively quirky.

The Bat!, with its virtual folders, is my main program.  I don't think I would switch unless there was a similar virtual mailbox implementation somewhere else.  Does anyone know of a try?  I think Courier had permanent searches, that perhaps got updated, which can be more or less the same thing.


TheBat! has some very good features.  One is fundamental to my usage, virtual mailboxes.  This is like the Linkman keyword metaphor. If I have a biz vendor, or a Bible subject, I can make up a virtual box, and all the email related to that subject are there. No matter how good your filtering, you could never achieve the same. Plus you limit many to x number of days, since you want virtual mailboxes to be 10-100 or 200 emails, and not thousands.

Does anybody else have similar, easy to setup virtual folders?  (Virtual mailboxes in TheBat! you usually set up as a follow-up to a search.)


On the other hand, Eudora (with Hermes files) trumps TheBat! in many ways. TheBat! has glitch and annoyance difficulties you rarely (never) see in Eudora.  The Eudora editor is suburb, and its stability is legendary. It is fun to work with.  Pandora is trying to get there too, buts it does not quite have the comfy feel of Eudora. Hermes will be essentially Eudora, very modestly modified, mainly in areas like certificates and TSL encryption.

So I redirect the more important email from TheBat!, to a Runbox POP box, leaving behind legions of forum mail and stuff unidentified.  I pick it up with Eudora POP download.  I can handle the redundancy, as I generally work out of TheBat! but like having the leaner Eudora mirror.

Ironically, TheBat! redirect filter has a glitch, or I do not understand something, and it redirects too much, when I do not want it too, so I just put that question on  TheBat! forum.


TheBat! has a long history, I think they do some improvement, my kvetch is that they do not search out and fix many petty annoyances. I put that concern on their forum where they were discussing what we want in the new v. 9. (I am on 7.)  I would rather have the dozen or so petty annoyances (including memory errors that you have to click away in certain areas) than add new features. Annoyances show up in areas like color groups, row layout types, and duplication of email boxes in folders, and more. None of them really crimp operations, but they will give a cheezy feel to a purist.

-Steven Avery (August 10, 2019, 08:57 AM)
--- End quote ---
i agree 100% with all you said.  your dual email client usage is pretty interesting.  The editor in the Bat really is quite weird given that were in 2019.  I thought it was weird in 2009!  And guess what....NOTHING has changed lol.  10 years of updates and no changes to the editor, the primary place you spend most of your time.  But the program is solid and there really are no good alternatives.

I'll start poking around eudora.  I used it pretty heavily back in the 90s.  It was a great program.

Steven Avery:
Virtual Mailboxes in Thunderbird, Postbox


In the discussions at TheBat! forum, where one gentleman has some real frustrations, they discuss desktop email client alternatives.

Thunderbird and Postbox (essentially a Thunderbird fork) are the main alternative offered.
And I tend to discuss Eudora-Hermes and Pandora.


"Even better, using ​Saved Search folders you can create "virtual" mailboxes that automatically search for messages matching their criteria in all your Mozilla Thunderbird folders. While the messages remain in the folders they have been filed to, they also show up in all Saved Search folders that find them."

Organization by Folders in Mozilla Thunderbird


Are those updated with new mail downloads?
Are those updated when you move mail around?
... Are they truly equivalent to TheBat! virtual folders?



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