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Whats on your desktop?
Beautiful - but don't you think you need to paint on a Chad (Wot no screensaver!)
-Carol Haynes (October 02, 2007, 03:16 AM)
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Screen savers are for weenies! Real men (and women) use monitor power saving.
Also, I don't know what a Chad is. :( Do I need one? You got me paranoid now!
... I don't know what a Chad is. -Tekzel (October 02, 2007, 07:36 AM)
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Nor do I. The closest Babylon came was this:
1. a small piece of paper that is supposed to be removed when a hole is punched in a card or paper tape-Babylon, on the word "chad"
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something from Star Trek maybe ?
(I wouldn't know - just a guess)
Carol Haynes:
Nah - a Chad was a little guy looking over a wall - all you can see are is fingers wrapped over the wall and the top half of his head (usually bald apart from a few stray hairs). Like this:There is usually a motto of the form; "Wot no ..."
There is usually a motto of the form; "Wot no ... ?"
I just thought looking at your beautiful image of the Earth there should a Chad peeping over the horizon saying something humerous ...
"Wot no aliens?"
Anyone else go any ideas .... maybe we should have a competition!
I was going to answer Carol's post, using a drawing I remember from an old Calvin & Hobbes strip, but Google gave me some 2.8 million answers on 'Calvin' (because of Klein). So I am asking you all, how to search (images) for Calvin but not for Calvin Klein ??
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