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Whats on your desktop?

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I dont like how dialogs that pop up centered are split between the displays, anyone know how to fix that?
-Tekzel (September 29, 2007, 11:45 AM)
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Hey if You find a way to fix that, let me know, I would like to know.

I dont like how dialogs that pop up centered are split between the displays, anyone know how to fix that?
-Tekzel (September 29, 2007, 11:45 AM)
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Hey if You find a way to fix that, let me know, I would like to know.
-nite_monkey (September 29, 2007, 11:58 AM)
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works fine for me on linux ;-)
it's called 'hinting' and also takes care of windows you resize to full-screen only are full-screen on one of the displays
for me it's done using xinerama (X.Org builtin), as to how windows does it, no clue. ;-)

Carol Haynes:
Depends on your graphics card(s) - ATI have a utility that is supposed to sort that out (its called hyper.... something or other I forget). Don't know about nVidia.

I'm sure there must be a utility out there!

How about for nVidia?

Or use a Matrox adapter instead of multiple cards or dual head cards. I think MAtrox do a 3 monitor version too. This manages popup windows automatically.

Depends on your graphics card(s) - ATI have a utility that is supposed to sort that out (its called hyper.... something or other I forget).
-Carol Haynes (September 29, 2007, 12:34 PM)
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Carol Haynes:
That's the one


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