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Whats on your desktop?

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Your desktop is interesting, btw, app.
Biggest toolbar ever!

Nobody wants to see my desktop. Honest. Truly. Believe me.

I use it as a holding area for all the files and projects I'm working on it is TOTALLY full of file icons & a 1600 x 1200 desktop completely full of icons is truly a scary, uhh...wondrous thing to behold.

I used to be like innuendo, as im pretty messy by nature. But after trying to scan 343 icons because windows decided to re-arrange them "because it felt like it"  i decided to get organise, and minimal is now my thing. I now shudder and despise messy desktops, a bit like an annoying ex-smoker who down the pub surrounded by smokers.

mydesk.jpg (107.76 kB. 2560x1024 - viewed 473 times.)

With so many people showing their desktops full of icons I feel compelled to show how I launch programs. I use a custom start menu which is simply just a directory structure of shortcuts set as a toolbar on the taskbar.

Here a pic of it currently:

Here's mine :)


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