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Know Of Php Script To Block EU Visitors ?


The Code Queryer:

I am trying to block EU visitors due to GDPR.
Know of any free php scripts I can install on my website to do the job to redirect EU users somewhere else or downright block them so my website is not accessible to them ?


Know of any free php scripts I can install on my website to do the job to redirect EU users somewhere else or downright block them so my website is not accessible to them ?
-The Code Queryer (April 05, 2019, 02:12 PM)
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Yes, and so do you:

I suggest waiting for a response from the author of that script. :Thmbsup:

The Code Queryer:
Know of any free php scripts I can install on my website to do the job to redirect EU users somewhere else or downright block them so my website is not accessible to them ?
-The Code Queryer (April 05, 2019, 02:12 PM)
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Yes, and so do you:

I suggest waiting for a response from the author of that script. :Thmbsup:
-Deozaan (April 05, 2019, 02:34 PM)
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According to this link:

You need c library installed. Not sure how to install that on my cPanel. I was looking for something with php alone.


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