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"IDEA" : Key to Replace Context Menu R-Clik Program Start On Selected

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Topic title modified for clarity

So are you saying that you want a contextual keymap based on the application that is foregrounded?-wraith808 (April 03, 2019, 01:02 PM)
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No, I don't think so.  He wants to automate, with a hotkey, the "right-click > choose some context menu action" one does after, typically, selecting files.

@MourningStar: Because right-click shell stuff like this is quite tricky to automate, you might want to look at Cautomaton, released by Worstje, one of the coders here on DC.

Cautomaton DC forum page here:

Worstje's site here:

@MourningStar:  The other thing you could do is use the "Apps Key" to bring up the context menu (after selecting your files), and then use arrow keys to choose what you want from the menu.

"IDEA" : Key to Replace Context Menu R-Clik Program Start On Selected

So are you saying that you want a contextual keymap based on the application that is foregrounded?-wraith808 (April 03, 2019, 01:02 PM)
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No, I don't think so.  He wants to automate, with a hotkey, the "right-click > choose some context menu action" one does after, typically, selecting files.

@MourningStar: Because right-click shell stuff like this is quite tricky to automate, you might want to look at Cautomaton, released by Worstje, one of the coders here on DC.

Cautomaton DC forum page here:

Worstje's site here:

-skwire (April 04, 2019, 02:34 PM)
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Ah Ok.  Thanks for the clarification.  I was asking because I know that the Logitech is on a per-application basis (one of the reasons that I use it) and I know that particular screen that he capped changes based on the application that's foregrounded (because I use the same thing on my g13 to change the key assignments per application).  But it seems like you have a handle on it so I'll bow out. Onward!  :Thmbsup:

thank you 4wd, skwire and wraith808.

The 'apps key' suggestion is a good alternate for keyboard-only operations. I desire a one-clik, correction, one key-press only solution.
I looked into the Cautomaton (). Seems this member has not been active here recently, so if anyone out there familiar with that code can shed any light that it will or won't do as requested, it is appreciated.

cheers -MS


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