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Qucik Pop Menu for pasting text

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Again, perhaps Lintalist - you can assign a hotkey OR hotstring OR search for the item you need :)

Or if you are looking for a clipboard tool with templates to store perhaps these managers will work for you

Have you looked at PowerPro?  It's an amazing program, similar to AHK, but has it's own GUI system.  It can easily create for you popup menus that will paste snippets, and is fully customizable to do just about anything you want. 
-BGM (April 04, 2019, 01:38 PM)
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Used PP for years, years ago. Helped a great deal with working as a moderator. While it is a great program setting up snippets in it is time consuming. I would have to do paste snippets as I have 20-40 lines to be pasted at a time.

Again, perhaps Lintalist - you can assign a hotkey OR hotstring OR search for the item you need :)

Or if you are looking for a clipboard tool with templates to store perhaps these managers will work for you -Lintalist (April 04, 2019, 01:58 PM)
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I seen it here before but did not think it would do the job. Installed it and so far seems like something I can work with. Will put it through some testing tonight.


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