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Batch file to move files (less than total size) from A to B
Agree that native Explorer begs for enhancements. I've tried to do that with whatever third-party upgrades I could find.
Another alternative file manager, though, is definitely something to consider.
Regarding the present challenge, one double-click seems super appealing, if highend01 could pull off the wizardry. Like, wow!
I'll try 4wd's offering. Looks promising.
4wd, works as advertised. Very slick. Thank you!
Let's see if highend01 can code it into a batch file, for single double-click.
Still wondering if that's possible.
You are kidding me, right?
That's the exact same thing, only in green...
--- ---@SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
REM 1 MB = 1048576 bytes
REM 157286400 = 150 MB
SET Max=157286400
SET Src=R:\tst_src
SET Dst=R:\tst_dst
IF EXIST "%Src%" (
IF EXIST "%Dst%" (
SET /a Size = 0
FOR %%I IN ("%Src%\*") DO (
SET /a Size += %%~zI
IF !Size! GTR %Max% GOTO :EOF
MOVE /Y "%%I" "%Dst%" >NUL 2>NUL
Well, @highend01, that's some amazing stuff. Thank you!
Basically works as asked for, as a one double-click trick. Files up to a certain total-size limit get moved to the new location.
One issue did come up, though. Via this approach there appears to be an inherent upper limit. At 2 GB. No matter how high the user inputs their own upper limit, Windows stops short.
Hmmm. Any idea why?
I suppose user (me) can come back for seconds, and thirds. I.e., run the batch file multiple times.
Google stopped working (again)?
Includes ways how to circumvent this restriction. Have fun learning a minimal amount of batch scripting!
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